T-CAIREM invites abstract submissions for poster and podium presentations. We welcome submissions featuring novel work in the field of AI in medicine.
We encourage submissions from students, trainees, researchers, clinicians, professionals, as well as government and community organizations who are conducting new and innovative work.
We thank everyone for submitting abstracts, and look forward to seeing you in Toronto this fall.
Important Dates
- Call for Abstracts Closes: Monday, July 31, 2023
- Notification of Acceptance: Monday, August 14, 2023
Abstract Guidelines
Please submit a structured abstract (max. 300 words) that includes the following information:
- Title
- Author(s) and Affiliation(s)
- Target Audience
- Introduction: Introduce the purpose of the study and relevant background information.
- Methods: Describe how the research was performed, how it was completed, and who was involved.
- Results: Describe the findings from the study with relevant details (e.g. statistics).
- Discussion/Conclusion: Summarize the implications and significance of the results.
- Supporting Information: You can include up to 1 table or figure.
Abstract Evaluation
All abstracts will be evaluated on their:
- Relevance to the conference target audience and topic streams
- Demonstration of evidence-based, innovative, and/or emerging approaches
- Clarity and completeness of submission (e.g. use of plain language)
Presenter Responsibilities
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English
- At least one author of each accepted abstract must register for the conference
- Presenters must register for the conference at the time of acceptance to present
- Attendees are expected to cover their own registration fees
- If applicable, presenters should confirm with their employer/agency that participation in the conference will be supported prior to submitting an abstract
- Confirm that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract, agree to its submission, and consent to its publication in venues including the conference website, program materials, social media, etc.
- Declare any commercial or financial interests
- Willingness to present on days and times determined by the conference organizers
Content for PowerPoint presentations, websites, and printed materials should not contain copyright-protected work. However, if the materials are deemed essential, the application of Fair Dealing may apply.
For further assistance in considering the application of the fair dealing exception in any given case, please consult available resources from the Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office, University of Toronto Libraries.
If you have further questions about abstract submissions, please contact:
Zoryana Salo
T-CAIREM Centre Administrator